Meeting - December 15, 2019 (2-4 PM)

Jeevan Sandhya Mandal invites all seniors to join us for the last meeting of the year on Sunday, December 17 from 2:00-4:00 pm at Chesapeake Hindu Temple.

This is will be the last meeting of 2019. Let’s finish with positiveness and fullness. We will discuss the calendar for 2020. Bring your suggestions and ideas to put on the calendar! As you all know your attendance and suggestions are a great value to us.

We want to continue to have a successful Mandal - this can be only possible if you all attend the meeting, so please ask your friends to attend the meeting and become members. We accept new memberships until March 2020.

We are looking forward to seeing all seniors join us to make this Mandal a wonderful and interactive meeting place for them.